Sometimes You Gotta Take a Chance


When I started my own business more than a decade ago, the digital marketing industry was relatively new. I had little to no experience but a strong sense I could learn on the fly.

I had spent the previous decade doing PR and corporate communications for big brands in a fast-paced, sometimes flashy, and often high-pressure roles that gave me a wealth of experience but never really suited my flow.

The rise of smart phones and digital media killed off a lot of traditional media and with it many PR jobs. Instead of bearing down to ride the wave that was coming in my industry, I decided to jump ship and become one with the water.

I knew I wanted to work as a freelancer and be my own boss.

I knew that I wanted to work with smart, ambitious, kind and compassionate business owners who serve others.

I wanted to love my job so much it didn’t feel like work.

Beyond that I wasn’t fixated on what the day-to-day would look like.


Turning Challenges Into Opportunities


I went back to college and studied technical communications, which taught me the basics of web design, writing for the web, document design, technical writing, and SEO. With that training under my belt, I started my small digital marketing consultancy.

Fast forward a decade, my business has grown so successfully by word-of-mouth I can choose my projects and my clients. I’ve organically developed a niche in the health and wellness industries and my amazing clients are some of my favourite humans.

I mean what could be better, right? didn't come without struggles. In fact, the two biggest challenges I’ve faced over and over again are:

1) how to convince small businesses to spend enough money on marketing to make an impact, and;

2) how to scale my business without becoming an "agency". 

I solved both of these challenges by creating an online business that teaches entrepreneurs the absolute essentials of online marketing - in simple steps that can be implemented with limited time and resources.

I understand, firsthand, the challenges that come with being a small business owner. That's why I've created FREE resources and courses that give you simple, cost-effective and actionable steps to create and optimize content that generates profitable traffic so they can grow their business. 

From increasing traffic to your website with SEO to creating blogs that generates leads for your business, you will learn how to DIY online marketing to grow your small but mighty businesses in a way that feels good.

Get the FREE tools you need to

take your business to the next level. 





Get our FREE step-by-step guide to ranking higher on Google and other search engines for more profitable traffic.



The Essential DIY 



Learn the essential organic strategies you can implement now to boost your business' visibility and start attracting clients today!



The Small Business Owner's MARKETING ACTIVITY Planner 


Use this task management tool to identify priorities and get started on implementing a consistent marketing strategy for your business. 



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A Little About Me


Love to win but have learned to turn a loss into a lesson.

Plan to retire on a beach somewhere in Spain.

Believe in eating a piece of dark chocolate every day.

Always start the work day with meditation and stretching.

Can be found listening to Prince as I ride my daughter’s scooter to school for pick up.